Florida Keys Barracuda

Flats Speed Demon....

Barracuda 101

Two kids fun fishing barracuda while on a flats fishing charter.
If you're an active fisherman who likes to keep busy casting, this here is your ticket. The Great Barracuda is an ambush predator that sits idle awaiting prey to swim by. With extreme speed, barracuda attack with fury, grow big, and are found plentiful during the right time of year. Cast and retrieve artificial lures amidst the Florida Keys backcountry til your arms fall off convincing this aggressive predator to strike.

Barracuda Fishing on the Flats

A man barracuda fishing in the Florida Keys
Sight-fishing for barracuda on the flats can also be achieved with a more hunt-style fishing approach. In two feet of clear water, a fifty inch barracuda looks like a gray torpedo on the flats with good sunlight. Cast your lure and watch their fury unleash before stripping off 100 yards of line. A truly underrated sport-fish, barracuda are a whole lotta fun on the flats.

Barracuda Fishing Best Time of Year

A huge barracuda caught while on a Florida Keys flats fishing charter
Barracuda are found throughout the Florida Keys year round. It's during cool weather months November through April when plentiful amounts of large fish layup in shallow water. This fish has a seemingly large appetite and feeds through a multitude of weather conditions. Flats fishing for barracuda is an awesome winter time fishery!