Florida Keys Permit Fishing

The Ultimate Challenge....

Permit Fishing 101

A  Florida Keys permit fishing guide.
A fish of much respect, Permit remain the most captivating fish of the flats. Those who fish for them seem to never grow tired of it. In fact, those who fish for them sometimes give up all other fishing. Nothing else quite lives up to a large permit feeding in shallow water. Once witnessed someone may be able to understand. Yet, for some reason it’s truly hard finding words capable of describing the act of permit fishing. It only takes one to make your day.
A large, strong fish which at times inhabits depths of water less than they are long. Patience, and a respect for the hunt and environment are essential. Seen as one of the greater challenges in shallow water sight fishing, Permit will demand the very best of an angler.

Permit on Fly

A man fly fishing for permit on a flats fishing charrter.
Using a fly rod to catch permit is everything but easy. The angler must have a true sense of how permit behave when feeding in shallow water. There’s no way around it, catching permit on fly is the ultimate when talking saltwater fly fishing. Experience will get you there, but only when preparation meets opportunity. The rest could fill a well criticized book.

Permit Fishing on the Flats

A huge permit caught while on a flats fishing charter.
A well placed bait or fly is ultimately what it takes from an angler. Though it’s the events leading a hook-up that make it all so challenging and unique.
The window of opportunity in successfully hooking a permit is small when considering the entire act of permit fishing. There are also many different scenarios when it comes to actually seeing permit in shallow water. All being said, the permit’s dead giveaway is its long, black, fork like tail. At times, that tail will pierce the surface of the water (a tailing permit). Most of the time, it’s underwater.
Learning to see the permit’s most revealing feature, its dark tail and fins against a current-swept shallow flat, takes a bit of concentration from the angler’s behalf. Though once seen in good sunlight, the permit can’t be missed.

Permit Fishing Best Time of Year

A nice permit caught during a perfect weather fishing day.
The best time of year for permit fishing on the Florida Keys flats is during the first signs of spring, (typically late February thru early April). These months are known as the “permit pre-spawn months”. Permit that invade the flats and backcountry during this time typically range between 10 and 40 pounds in weight. Most permit seen during this time are grouped together in schools. Aggressive in nature when found in these pre-spawn schools, a seemingly confident sense of competition takes over their behavior. The entire month of March is a personal favorite, seen as a great time of year for permit on the flats. Late April and May mark their departure from the flats to deeper water in-order to spawn.  
Months June and July also spark another great time of year for permit fishing in the Florida Keys flats and backcountry. Marking the arrival back from their spawning period, June and July are great months to find large hungry permit mixing in areas alongside bonefish.
More opportunity exists during the fall season, Late September through early November. This again is a good time of year to find permit and bonefish together in a shallow depth of water. Once the cold water winter temps set-in with December, we typically say goodbye to this species until the following spring season.